welcome to the euniverse

a universe for the light and the shadow;
an encounter of imagination and reality;
when the world gave you lines about black and white
and what this place gives you is a blurry gray.


A universe builds continuously for the author's imagination, reader's exhilaration, and healing for both parties. As the stories in this universe are based on author's imagination, there are no any linkages between the fictional characters and the visuals.

Let yourself find the heal, the thrill, the laughs, the tears;
the emotion.

Sebuah semesta yang dibangun terus menerus untuk imajinasi penulis, kegembiraan pembaca, dan penyembuhan untuk keduanya. Pun, setiap cerita yang ada dalam semesta lain ini hanya dibangun berdasarkan imajinasi penulis, tidak ada keterkaitan apapun antara karakter fiksional dan subjek visualisasi.

Temukan setiap kesembuhannya, getarannya, tawanya, air matanya;


click on the picture icons to discover works and stories in

bts euniverse

the philotian

BTS Euniverse

click the picture icons to open the story work directly


Seoul (ENG)

Autumn Crocus

Seoul (INA)

Eunoia : 命 Fate
Augustddrug's Epilogue Project

The Philotian

coming soon
